New Hampshire Vocational Rehabilitation (NH VR) Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment (CSNA) 2024

NH VR Comprehensive Statewide Needs:

2024 Surveys

State of New Hampshire Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation and Market Decisions Research, LLC

About the 2024 Surveys:

The New Hampshire Vocational Rehabilitation (NH VR) Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment (CSNA) aims to gain a clear understanding of the needs of various populations of individuals with disabilities in the state.

VR agencies must conduct a CSNA every three years. These findings will guide the NH VR agency in developing programs and services to better meet the needs of these populations and will ultimately contribute to greater numbers of individuals entering and retaining quality employment outcomes.

The Business Partner Survey

The Business Partner Survey is open to local employers and businesses who both do and do not have prior experience working with NH VR.

The purpose of this survey is to gather insights into the collaboration between your business and NH VR, to understand what has worked well, to identify potential challenges, and suggestions for improvements.

If you are unfamiliar with NH VR, we encourage you to take this opportunity to share your experiences working with individuals with disabilities and contribute to the improvement of services.

The Service Provider Survey

The Service Provider Survey is open to those who provide services to NH VR consumers.

The purpose of this survey is to learn about your experience providing services to NH VR consumers and the relationship you have with NH VR. By sharing this information about your experience, you are helping improve service delivery.

The Community Partners Survey

The Community Partners Survey is open to those who have partnered with NH VR for the delivery of services.

The purpose of this survey is to gather insights about your experience with NH VR and the relationship you have with the agency. By sharing this information about your experience, you are helping to improve service delivery.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

How can I help?

You can help by spreading the word about these important surveys and providing your feedback. The surveys can be accessed via the buttons above these FAQs.

How will the information be used?

Your answers will be used by the State of New Hampshire Department of Education and Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation to identify and remediate barriers and gaps in services for under and unserved populations within the state.

How will my information be protected?

Answers provided are strictly confidential and any personal identifying information will not be shared.

Who is conducting these surveys?

The State of New Hampshire Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation and their consultants at Market Decisions Research are conducting these surveys. 

Who is Market Decisions Research and why are they involved?

Market Decisions Research, also known as MDR, is an independent public health research company located in Portland, Maine. They are helping the State of New Hampshire Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation to administer these surveys.

Whom do I contact if I have additional questions?

If you have any additional questions, concerns, or comments, please contact the project manager, Candace Walsh, at or (207)-767-6440 ext. 1115.